Pre-stay questionnaire

Welcome to our Maison Luneau-Papin!

Our house becomes yours for the duration of your stay. We offer you this pre-stay questionnaire to find out a little more about you and the people accompanying you.

We all spend a lot of time on our arrival day checking out the sights and making reservations. We hope that this questionnaire as well as our book of beautiful addresses will simplify and brighten your stay in our tourist house.

Come on, it’s yours!

"*" indicates required fields

Pre-stay questionnaire

Our house becomes yours for the duration of your stay. We offer you this pre-stay questionnaire to find out a little more about you and the people accompanying you. We all spend a lot of time on our arrival day checking out the sights and making reservations. We hope that this questionnaire as well as our book of beautiful addresses will simplify and brighten your stay in our tourist house. Come on, it’s yours!
First name and last name given when booking*
Are children part of the adventure?
Tell us their ages in order to welcome you in the best conditions and guide you.
In order to share with you the best of the region, let us know your interests:
Pierre-Marie & Marie
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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